[pp.int.general] Wikileaks : German "Young Liberals" declare war to the Pirate Party. | Junge Liberalen erklären in internem (geleaktem) Dokument der Piraten-Partei den Krieg, 6 Aug 2009

Philip Hunt cabalamat at googlemail.com
Sat Aug 8 18:21:44 CEST 2009

2009/8/8 fenhir <fenhir at pokerspieler.org>:
> The second point is IMHO, that the "grass-roots" of the JuLis know very
> good, that the FDP is an turn-over-party (in german: Umfallerpartei) in
> terms of civil rights. This is IMHO an ongoing conflict since years
> between the JuLis and their mother-party FDP.

I'm not sure what you mean here.

I *think* you're saying that the JuLis are in favour of civil rights,
but the FDP aren't, and the JuLis are therefore worried that the PP,
with their strong civil rihts agenda, will take support away from the
JuLis, and therefore votes from the FDP.

Philip Hunt, <cabalamat at googlemail.com>
Campaigns Officer / Press Officer, Pirate Party UK

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