[pp.int.general] Pirate Manifesto: status of internal ballots

Carlos Ayala Vargas aiarakoa at yahoo.es
Fri Jan 16 04:26:12 CET 2009

Reinier Bakels wrote:
> You assume a structure of "formal" representatives that - as far as 
> The Netherlands is concerned - does not exist (but I do not disagree 
> with Samir!). The result of the Manifesto drafting exercise should be 
> inherently convincing and can not claim formal authority.
Of course I assume it: a call for representatives -i.e., for people 
expressing to PPI the stances of the party where that person belongs- 
was done, and Amelia, Andrew (later, Glenn), Ole, Helmut (later, Jens), 
Matthias, Samir, Valentin (later, Florian), Arkadiusz, Dmitriy, Anton, 
Roderick and me were the chosen ones; also, Enrique added later to this 
list on behalf of Partido Pirata de Chile.

Are you stating that none of the Samir activities within the Pirate 
Manifesto context have been made on behalf of Piraten Partij? If you 
aren't, and Samir is truly the Piraten Partij representative -and he is, 
as far as I know-, whether you agree or disagree more or less frequently 
with him doesn't really matter for Pirate Manifesto purposes, as only 
each pirate party's stances matters -we can, of course, debate about 
whatever; however, if we talk about formal decisions, don't lose the 
focus, please-.

And *as long as the above mentioned people are truly pirate parties' 
representatives, I claim full legitimacy and formal authority for the 
drafting process*.
> The fact of the matter is that I trusted an acceptable result to 
> emerge (from the SE and DE experience), but the actual result is (for 
> reasons I explained extensively) imnsho not satisfactory. So I am 
> prepared to help to improve the text.
Your readiness would have been largely welcomed six months ago (for the 
drafting process), or even two months ago (for the amending process, in 
which the entire First Draft could have been amended if it was your 
will). Unless pirate parties have changed their mind about having the 
text ready for Helsinki, there is a time for each task, Reinier, and 
you're not observing it.

Carlos Ayala
( Aiarakoa )

Partido Pirata National Board's Chairman

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