[pp.int.general] philosophy vs. action

Carlos Ayala Vargas aiarakoa at yahoo.es
Sat Jan 17 11:43:42 CET 2009

Reinier Bakels wrote:
> It is the same!
Not the same, first of all in a conceptual context. You talk about 
/limitations/ & /exceptions/ -fair use is such-, I talk about *rights*.
> Have you seen this footnote? "El documento abierto a la firma, tal 
> como se indica en la Presentación, es la versión original redactada en 
> inglés." My knowledge of the Spanish language is very limited, but the 
> German version contains a footnote at this place explaining than in 
> case of differences, the signatories of the petition are supposed to 
> have agreed on the English text.
The footnote means "/The document open to be signed, as indicated in the 
Introduction, is the original version written in English/". Guess why: 
*both documents don't mean the same anymore* -because one talks about 
the /c word/, while the other one talks about author's rights-.

About the rest of your mail, I think both we've already left clear what 
each one considers realistic and what not. Simply, you find it not 
enough ... what can I do? Simply submit you to my already (in former 
mails) explained arguments, for the list's sake -i.e., avoiding 
kilometric mails in which I would be repeating what I've already stated 
and explained-.

Carlos Ayala
( Aiarakoa )

Partido Pirata National Board's Chairman

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