[pp.int.general] philosophy vs. action

Reinier Bakels r.bakels at pr.unimaas.nl
Sat Jan 17 16:00:43 CET 2009

>>> Wrong. It starts from *democracy*, specifically with the following
>> I skipped that as completely obvious.
> When there are 3 million Spaniards (about 10 % of eligible voters, and 
> more than 10 % of actual voters) against levies, and in spite of that no 
> single MP voted against levies in 2006 -when Spanish /IP/ law was passed-, 
> or when Spanish PP Governement (yes, PP, Popular Party ... because *we are 
> PPI*) cooperated with Bush's Iraq War efforts against the will of 90 % of 
> citizens, it proves that it's not obvious anymore.
For any PP, imho the most important thing is that "information law" (as a 
comprehensive term, or whatever you want to call it) is not "politicised". 
Like the sewer system or garbage collection: it is taken for granted. Which 
makes a paradise for industry lobbyists. The priority objective of PP is to 
represent the other side of the medal.
> As an example of it not being obvious: you still believe (don't know why) 
> that Spanish Government party's MPs listen to the opposition parties when 
> those parties have proposals differing from Government's view.
I said that the opposition can at least prevent that some topics are 
completely ignored. of course, that is onloy a first step.
> government transparency & responsibility; it's a Deutsches Piraten Partei 
> issue,
I think it is outright dangerous. In NL, since the Fortuyn "revolution", 
there is a constant factor of populist anti-system political parties. It may 
be different by country, but I believe that most of our politicians 
eventually are honest - even if they represent opinions we totally disagree 
on. For many people the slow pace of the political decision making process 
is frustrating, but that is a sign that democracy works rather than the 
opposite. Governments in coutries with a (basically) two-party system such 
as the UK may be able to react quicker. Even faster is a (good) dictator. 
That is why Singapore is so prosperous...
> And as you don't accept it, you again and again repeat the same, somehow 
> expecting that I suddenly state "/Reinier, how wrong I was! how wasn't I

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