[pp.int.general] Pirate Manifesto: PIRATA internal ballot, results

Carlos Ayala Vargas aiarakoa at yahoo.es
Mon Jan 26 08:34:41 CET 2009

Reinier Bakels wrote:
>> I believe it's not a good idea to follow what established and 
>> 'successful' parties do just because of being 'successful'.
> Sorry, you are confusing things. The issue was that PP's get blamed 
> for being a one issue movement without an (explicit) underlying 
> strategy. A distinction must be made between:
> 1) getting many votes
> 2) achieving proper things
> The fact that parties get many votes that subsequently do the wrong 
> things does not mean that PP's should be concerned about getting 
> *many* votes without a "sufficiently" explicit strategy!
However we do have a strategy -look at the pirate parties at a glance-:


- civil rights & liberties (privacy, freedom of speech, etc)
- enhancing freedom of information (encouraging the information society, 
changing the patent system, changing the author's rights system)
- public office transparency & accountability

I have explained why I think we should have a strategy; now you explain 
why we shouldn't, specially as we haven't:

- as much money in the bank (and even entire banks behind)
- as many supportive mass media behind
- as many loyal voters behind (of those who vote a party no matter how 
bad that party performs)

like those traditional parties you talk about have. The only thing I've 
read from you is "/hey they do and it works/" ... try again.

Carlos Ayala
( Aiarakoa )

Partido Pirata National Board's Chairman

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