[pp.int.general] Results (And now?)

Reinier Bakels r.bakels at planet.nl
Mon Jun 8 20:45:26 CEST 2009

> uh... actually, "left-center-right" is a one-dimensional concept. A 
> two-dimensional one would be, for example, like the political compass
> (http://www.politicalcompass.org/). It is a little easier to fit in it: we 
> could, at this particular system, describe ourselves as a party way down 
> on the y axis
> (authoritarian/libertarian), and no defined position on the x axis 
> (collective/individual economy). Yeah, I agree, far from ideal, but 
> somewhat easier to handle than the
> left-right one-dimensional axis. At least until we come up with something 
> better ;)

I agree on multidimensionality, but I find these concepts very abstract. In 
NL, in addition to the traditional left-right scale (which is mainly 
socio-economical) there is a progressive-conservative scale (conservative is 
often nationalist). We have all combinations: conservative socialists (SP), 
progressive socialists (PvdA), conservative liberals (VVD), progressive 
liberals (D66).

The rising stars of fascist populism call everything else "left wing", 
including e.g. most of the news shows on TV. For them "left" is: 
intelligent. Simple minded people hate intelligent people, because they 
don't understand them, and now they got a voice. Populist messages have the 
benefit of oversimplification. Honesty is too complicated.


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