[pp.int.general] cultural flatrate: PP position?

Christian pp at christian-hufgard.de
Tue Jun 9 17:18:18 CEST 2009

Reinier Bakels wrote:
>> And like with levies on other media, a tax on the internet access
>> would take a lot of wind from the lawyers - at least in germany.
> I am aware of the Abmahnwahn problem in Germany. Is that why you want
> flatrates? Indeed this Abmahnwahn problem is dreadful.

I consider it as a fair solution - if the money is not at all given to

> For the uninitated: German (civil, procedural) law allows attorneys to
> send summons to (e.g.) file shares on their own force - that must be
> paid by the recipient, typically hundred of euro's. Else a court case
> follows which is much more expensive. There are law firms that establish
> "factories" to send Abmahnungen to file sharers. They cooperate with
> technology firms who scan the internet for (alleged) wrongdoers.
> Capitulation should not be the prime strategey of a political party,
> though!

Like I said, I would see it as a fair solution. Money for those, who
does not want to have their art copied for free, and also money for
supporting free artists.


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