[pp.int.general] 3-step usage rights / forced licensing model

Pasi Palmulehto scoffer at kofeiini.riippuvuus.net
Tue Nov 3 13:11:32 CET 2009

> I want to ask something: Should all software be, by law, free
> software?  Or should authors at least release the code after a certain
> period of time and allow everyone to distribute and modify it?

Oh, sorry I forgot that part totally from the first post. I quick
translated it from our original forum topic
(https://www.piraattipuolue.fi/keskustelupalsta/6-politiikka/5877-tekijaenoikeussuojan-porrastus) and tried to make it a bit more clear.

In my opinion getting into databank should require giving the source
code which would be able to download from the databank after five years.
If the source code would not be given, software isn't approved into
databank and company should take care of software usage be traditional
ways such as selling keycodes and such. Databank would keep the source
code in safe for further use.

Naturally original software creator isn't obligated to release updates
for others who commercially use the work.

Pasi "Scoffa" Palmulehto
Leader of Finnish Pirate Party

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