[pp.int.general] 3-step usage rights / forced licensing model

Christian Hufgard pp at christian-hufgard.de
Wed Nov 4 11:02:46 CET 2009

Hi Kai,

> could you please explain what you mean by this, because I honestly
> don't understand where you're getting the idea that we'd take away the
> author's right to use his work commercially? Under the proposed model,
> the author could use his work commercially after it was published, he
> could continue to do so after the first five years passed (only others
> could do so too, if they paid him),

The orginal text here said "compensate". That's a pretty difference to "pay".

> and he could even continue to do
> so after the twenty years passed (only others could do so too, without
> compensation). I *wrote* the original proposal, and nowhere does it
> say that the author would lose the right you're talking about.

Why do we want to allow somebody to sell somebody elses work without
permission? Private non commercial copies - accepted. But why allow
commercial copies without permission? Which problem does this solve?


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