[pp.int.general] Telecoms package, ACTA and other monsters

Christian Hufgard pp at christian-hufgard.de
Fri Nov 6 12:23:56 CET 2009

Félix Robles wrote:
> Well, I'm a simple member of the Spanish Pirate Party and we have already
> stated that we are against on the Swedish Piratepartiet's stand on
> theTelecoms Package. I'm not representing my whole party now (perhaps,
> maybe, another person will be designated for that later) but *I personally
> ask*:
> Why? *Why did the swedish Piratepartiet agree* with the Telecoms Package
> when it allows* to cut off internet without the previous authorization of
> a judge*? Can any swedish member of the Piratpartiet explain it??

The official explanation is, that the EU has not the right to order the
authorization of a judge...


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