[pp.int.general] Big Brother in NL?

Reinier Bakels r.bakels at planet.nl
Thu Nov 19 20:54:28 CET 2009

> the sea breaking through the dikes.
> Perhaps Reinier can answer this question: How much of the Netherlands
> would be flooded today if there were no dikes?

Oops, I was imprecise. And, in addition to dikes, we have dunes. But the 
perception of "Amerfoort on sea" is so common that I immediately though of 

Perhaps a prozaic observation I heard the otehr day is that the actual 
survival probabilty depends on the economic interests per km of coastline. 
NL is densely popolated and there is a lot of industrial activity behind a 
coastline less than 200 km. So we can justify very expensive coastal works. 
I don't know about other low coast areas in Europe, but they are probably 
worse off (Jutland? France? Eastern Germany?). Especiall river delta area's 
are at risk (NL basically is one big river delta). Rhone, Danube, Nile.

Incidentally, someone commented that the CO2 damage is much worse than the 
road tear. I think these are unequal factors. CO2 is a "negative 
externality": the cost is not (naturally) borne by drivers. Road tear 
requires direct investment in maintenance and repair.

Don't forget the problem of particulate 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Particulate). I live (at the 8th floor) less 
than a kilometer from a very busy highway (A12, for insiders). I don't care 
about CO2, I produce it myself if a breath. The particulate dust seems to be 
a much bigger health hazard. If I clean my windows, it is really black (but 
I rarely clear my windows because I am typing these messages all day).


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