[pp.int.general] Protest certain musicians?

Christian Hufgard pp at christian-hufgard.de
Thu Oct 29 10:07:08 CET 2009

Félix Robles wrote:
> Do you mean that music engineers and producers work for free at first and
> are only paid after they start to sell copies of the album? I don't think
> so.

No. But they do not get paied anymore, if people stop buying copies of
music. Crosspromoting music recordings with live converts does not pay off
- unless you are at the top of the charts.

> Normally, when I download music, I download the whole discography. And if
> I like them and they come to visit us I go to their concert. Then they
> earn enough money to pay the producers of their next album.

And you really believe, that visiting a single concert can fully
compensate downloading the whole discography?


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