[pp.int.general] Electronic votes and safety + Election Results

Marco Confalonieri marco.confalonieri at email.it
Tue Apr 20 12:29:23 CEST 2010

Bogomil "Bogo" Shopov ha scritto:
> It is called democracy. There was some good candidates and there was 
> some fair elections (you can see the results).
> Bogo
Ok, I will rephrase my entire sentence:

    * I am happy with the results, apart from the fact that none of the
      women and of the non-europeans were elected
    * I do NOT think that there were tricks in the elections and I think
      they were COMPLETELY REGULAR
    * I am very happy of how even a volcano could not stop the pirates
      from helding an international meeting allowing remote delegates to
      vote (many thanks to Wolfgang, Will and all the others who could
      organize that in such a nice way
    * I think that if someone has a doubt in a context so delicate it's
      a good idea to dissolve his/her doubts.

That's all.

(and congratulations, Bogo! :-) )

Marco Confalonieri

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