[pp.int.general] International public relations initial drafting process,

Christian Hufgard pp at christian-hufgard.de
Sat Feb 27 09:17:03 CET 2010

Glenn Kerbein wrote:
> ATTN: Heads of parties
> 	It has come to my attention that we need to iron out details in regards
> to press officers and press outfits. As the old adage goes, actions
> speak louder than words; gesticulations, expressions, and outward
> appearance will speak volumes about the person in question. So, in
> short, we should evaluate who can say what to whom, and within what
> capacity.

So, du möchtest also perfekt durchgestylte Medienvertreter haben, so wie
sie die anderen Parteien haben. Angepasste Clowns, die dir dreist ins
Gesicht lügen und denen man glaube, weil sie einen Anzug tragen.
Entschuldige, ich habe lieber einen ehrlichen Piraten im
Pirate-Bay-T-Shirt im Fernsehen, als einen Lügner im Anzug.

Hope you didn't mind me to write in german instead of english. I'm no
native english speaker and was afraid of not beeing able to express
myself apropriate.


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