[pp.int.general] Lawrence Lessig Was :Obama's support for his election campaign

Ray Jenson ray.jenson at gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 06:05:52 CET 2010

quemener.yves at free.fr wrote:
> The discussion about the US pirate party made me wonder : what about Lawrence Lessig and the Pirate Party ? I see that on 2008 he had some reserves about it :
> http://torrentfreak.com/lessig-questions-pirate-party-existence-080308/
> Is he still on this position ? Is he maybe on the list ? (Hi Lawrence) 
> He was mainly questioning the use of the word "pirate", for understandable reasons, but are there discussions with him ? As a proponent of transparency and free culture, it seems unreasonable that we can't exchange ideas friendly.

He supports the positions of the PP, but not the name.

That's the last I heard on the subject, and I don't imagine much has
changed. I'd love it if he could publicly offer support, but his
political situation isn't the best for that either.

Until we have some semblance of organization in the US, it's likely that
he will never feel comfortable with the idea.

Thanks for the input, and feel free to contact his assistant through his
web page at Stanford if you want to confirm.

The last I heard, he was up in arms about Google's book deal, and was
also really dissatisfied with the rather insane decision by the US
Supreme Court to essentially hand over US politics to private
corporations instead of protecting citizens' rights.

His blog and Change-Congress are really taking off, too.

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