[pp.int.general] Fwd: Argentina-Project to reform the copyright law submitted by librarians

Partido Pirata Argentino ppirataargentino at gmail.com
Mon Nov 1 14:12:30 CET 2010

> What change is this law going to make?
> -

The current law dates from 1933 (called "Noble Law" in honor of the
congressman who created it and then created the newspaper Clarin, the
leading multimedia group in Argentina)

Here is the text of the law (in spanish):


Article 36 says

"Art. 36. - No podrá ejecutarse o publicarse en todo o en parte, obra
alguna literaria, científica, o musical, sino con el título y en la
forma confeccionada por su autor y con autorización de éste o su
representante, haciéndose extensiva esta disposición a la música
instrumental y a la de baile, así como a las audiciones públicas por
transmisión a distancias, como las radiotelefónicas. "

Article 36. - You can not run or published in whole or in part, any
work of literature, science, or music, but with the title and shapes
made by the author and with permission from him or his representative,
making extensive provision for instrumental music and dance, as well
as public hearings by transmission distances, such as the

One amendment proposal by the librarians says:

""Are exempt from copyright and require the authorization of the
owner, the Reproduction in any manner of scientific, literary or
works, where by libraries and documentation centers and archives
belonging to public or nonprofit institutions or scientific
institutions or
educational institutions in therefore reproduction is restricted to
the needs of their activities and services and does not affect the
normal exploitation of the work or unreasonably prejudice the
legitimate interests of the author."

Are exempt from copyright and require the authorization of the owner
to reproduction by any scientific or literary works provided that such
act is for personal use who use it ..

Means the use personal use only and not for individual profit.

In Argentina we had the case of Horacio Potel, criminally prosecuted
for sharing books of Derrida and Heidegger

Here is more in english:


Finally the prosecutor withdrew the process

The Federal Congress last year decided to extend to 70 years after the
death of the performer  phonograms monopolies (previously was 50)


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