[pp.int.general] PPi ask Anonymous to stop Payback

Maxime Rouquet maxime.rouquet at partipirate.org
Mon Nov 22 11:21:38 CET 2010

On 11/22/2010 11:04 AM, Justus Römeth wrote:
> But isn't the whole point of the Pirate Parties to fight these things 
> within the law? I personally have no big problems with them, but for a 
> party to advocate illegal things seems kinda missing the purpose of 
> that party.

We can not advocate illegal things, and simply say which laws we want to 
change and why.

> (and P2P itself is anything but illegal)

Well, I was thinking about copyrighted material p2p sharing. But note 
that some laws, despite not explicitly saying p2p is illegal, may try to 
prevent you from using it.

In France, the HADOPI law makes you guilty of failing to secure your 
Internet access if your IP adress is catched sharing copyrighted 
material (a trick not to have to prove that you are the one who actually 
did it), unless you have installed a labelised security program.

We have not yet such labelised programs, but most of us fear for example 
that they could only labelise basic programs that prevent you from using 
any p2p protocol. This is an example of making the use of p2p indirectly 
unlawful, and in France, everything has already been voted on the law 

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