[pp.int.general] Correct word usage for PP.

Boris Turovskiy tourovski at gmail.com
Sat Apr 9 01:18:31 CEST 2011

Hi Mikulas,

The "words to use" list is almost OK, even though I'd find it better to
combine the "use"/"avoid" words to make the meaning clearer (for
example, you list "Free Software" in the "to use" section. What do you
want to say? That we should use that instead of "Open Source software"?
That we should use it as often as possible? That we should use it
exactly with the meaning you defined?).

The very serious problem I have is your definition of "copying
monopoly", as you basically apply it to all of copyright and related
laws, even though that does in no way follow from the English words. You
also completely mix up restrictions set up by various free, semi-free
and non-free licenses in your definition so that it's only good to be
flushed down as fast as possible.

The "words to avoid" list is also extremely problematic. Aside from the
"DRM" and "Intellectual property" entries, I would never accept to write
a text castrated by the rules you impose without any reasonable
linguistic necessity.

Apart from that I think the project is pointless anyway as I don't see
any pragmatic uses for it, but that's just my loud-but-humble opinion.


> Hi, 
> Jakub Michálek proceeded with his project from the PPI conference regarding the Pirate Dictionary. The draft can be found here: http://int.piratenpartei.de/Pirate_Dictionary
> Please feel free to comment, contribute, add expressions or suggest alternative wordings. 
> regards
> Mikulas Ferjencik, PPCZ

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