[pp.int.general] Correct word usage for PP.

Maike Marrek listen at jaasnee.de
Sun Apr 10 16:26:35 CEST 2011

> (yes, I still
> haven't lost the faith that the majority of Pirates are rational).

Rationality is an assumption of economics, which never matched reality. 
Nobody is able to behave always rational, because there doesn't exist a 
   "perfect market" with equal transparency for all stakeholders. Trust 
and sympathy aren't valued as well. Marketing, hidden costs, juridical 
and technical implications, personal likes and dislikes ... we are human 
beings and it should be a right, to behave like human beings and not 
like machines - even in economic models.

Mistakes aren't failures, they are key elements of learning and 
groundwork for individual as well as economic development.

best regards


a one-armed man comes into a flower shop and says
what flower expresses
days go by and it just keeps going by
endlessly pulling you into the future
days go by, endlessly
endlessly pulling you into the future

and the florist says: the white lilly.

Laurie Anderson - Home of Brave

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