[pp.int.general] Facebook, Gplus, Twitter - use 2 click buttons (if you have to)

Pat Maechler aka Valio pirate at valio.ch
Mon Sep 26 19:53:00 CEST 2011

If you feel to go for the option "embedding like/Twitter/gplus buttons
into our website", I urge you to use the solution recently provided by
the German news site heise.de which is a bit more privacy friendly

A general note on using social media in the pirate movement from my side:
Most social media networks are not for "free"; they are sponsored by
advertisements and data collection (for marketing etc.). As pirate
parties strive for visibility for some it's a difficult decision to
avoid them altogether, even as they might be considered a privacy
breach and thus stand in conflict with our principles. I doubt that
there is a gain in an in-depth discussion/flamewar at the moment; the
opinions will be clearly ranging between not supporting such sites at
all, only linking to them or fully embedding them into pirate
websites. I personally opt for the second option.

Facebook made headlines today again as they probably breach privacy
further than previously assumed: they can track you on websites that
include Facebook code, even if users logged out of Facebook


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