[pp.int.general] Fake PP in Argentina

Aza rata_0071 at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 1 20:34:19 CEST 2012

2012/8/1 Josef Ohlsson Collentine <international at piratpartiet.se>:
> I can confirm that the "digital party" has been in contact with Anna in
> Piratpartiet but they have not received any support as they seem to have
> claimed.
> Basically they said that the "Partido Pirata de Argentina" refused to talk
> to them (which seems odd) and asked Anna to help the digital party by
> showing she supported them and help to get them talking. They also claimed
> to have a better strategy for winning the elections next year. Waiting  for
> a reply to clear a few questions about substance of claims.
> Kindly,
> Josef

Hi Josef,
  We gave him 2 opportunities to meet us, this saturday will be the
third. He's a troll. He's just one guy. No mailing list, no group, no
nothing. Only a private email from where he spams. He even emailed
each one of the pirates saying we've censored him. He didn't try to
reach us before creating this "party". All his emails have been full
of lies and deceptions.

  Personally i'd like to punch him in the face, but i won't cause i'm
a peaceful pirate :)


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