[pp.int.general] URGENT: we need your signature

carlo von lynX lynX at pirate.my.buttharp.org
Fri Dec 21 14:56:37 CET 2012

On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 02:24:41PM +0100, Anouk Neeteson wrote:
> The movement was born from Pirates Italian Association Foundation (official
> in 2005, but has existed since 2002) and he wants to raise, in a symbolic
> way, through the "good pirates", a cry of alarm at the political nation.

Yes they are playing it rough.. they sent a legal threat to the 2006
founder of the PP-IT that he may not use the name "Partito Pirata"
because their "Friends of the Pirates" or something like that
association is older.

Yeah okay, it's older, but until this year it was as political as
Pirates are in Playmobil or LEGO. It's a legal dirty trick designed
to pervert the pirate brand similarly as it happened with the Green
movement in Italy 30 years ago (although I have no figures for that).

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