[pp.int.general] R: PP IT and Its Non-Democratic Organization

Jaromil jaromil at dyne.org
Thu Dec 27 12:46:47 CET 2012

On Sat, 22 Dec 2012, Zbigniew Łukasiak wrote:

> To be honest I believe this can be called democracy - democracy in a
> party does not mean that everyone can enter and take over.   The party
> has to maintain its identity by filtering who can enter.  If people
> disagree they should not be forced to be in the same party.  I think
> that the one party per country rule in PPI is unproductive - it stops
> any possible fork from gaining ground and overtaking an organisation
> that becomes too rigid and unevolving.
> I believe it should be an organization individual choice how defensive
> against takeovers they should be and how open to new ideas and people.
> And those that choos badly should just be eliminated in natural
> selection.

thanks for putting it straight Zbigniew, this is it.

and I believe this makes it important, as suggested in this thread, to
discuss and describe better in some future the meaning of "pirate
democracy": to go in detail on what are the dynamics that pirates
worldwide will accept as reasonable and liable for the natural flow of
micro-power configurations internal to parties.

one thing is sure, a political party is not a state and as such does not
need to be inclusive beyond its own genuine political ideals, best
resumed in the Pirate Codex so far. rather, a political party needs to
preserve its own contextual integrity which (helas for some) will also
mean exclusion on the basis of content, reliability and method.

this all sums up in a turbulent situation in Italy, as well in other
countries i'm sure, since parliamentary politics is just regarded as a
dirty arena and its players are ruthless. In the peninsula, most of
those who are not new to party politics (for their own activity or
family background) have forgot or lack faith in the reasons why
political parliaments were instated in the first place, hence give no
chances to the political reasons for their own exclusion, even blaming
it on "low numbers for the assembly", using a paradox against the
validity of the Italian Assemblea Permanente.

I like to think that pirate parties are innovative because inherently
idealistic and that they can represent a leap out of modern political
decadence. Hence, what is again happening in Italy - and other places,
as it might happen again - I regard as an important and strenghtening
process of constituency rather than a turf war.


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