[pp.int.general] Megaupload lawyer Q&A on DOJ criminal case

Andrew Norton ktetch at gmail.com
Sat Jan 21 19:41:31 CET 2012

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On 1/21/2012 1:25 PM, Ryan Moffitt wrote:
> I dont recall saying we were doing something illegal. We were using
> favorable laws to our advantage. I understand the value of controversy,
> but sometimes you have to weigh the options.

But when one option is hosting in Iceland, to take advantage of laws
that are mostly based on US ones (the IMMI) when they come into force
(not until this summer I'm led to believe) and the applicability of them
to us is questionable anyway.
Plus we're REALLY that afraid of potential seizure that we're going to
run to an iceland domain beforehand? It's the TSA all over again 'we're
going to assume the very worst and act based on that'.

A site like TorrentFreak would be FAR more likely to be seized, and
unlike the USPP, it's entire business is online. It's a website first
and foremost, one that discusses the topics at issue, has adverts, gives
guides and directions etc. It's not only got a .com, but it's hosted in
the US, AND it's even been referenced in the domain seizures cases already.

It's thousands of times more likely to be seized than the pirate party
site would, yet it's not gone running to Iceland.

But yes, Justus has nailed it. If a Pirate Party is doing something to
fear this kind of seizure, for these reasons, then it's not actually a
Pirate PArty

> Ive been hearing this "day or two" thing for about a month now. If
> pirate-party.us <http://pirate-party.us> is where we move, thats where
> we move. Frankly I dont care anymore, so long as the internal mail
> system gets fixed ASAP.

I couldn't tell you about the mail system, I know I've been pushing the
site for the last week or so, and the aim is to have it fixed at least
SOMEWHAT before Tuesday (when No Safe Harbor comes out)
http://www.nosafeharbor.com - available TUESDAY Jan 24


>> On Jan 21, 2012 12:29 PM, "Justus Römeth" <squig at dfpx.de
>> <mailto:squig at dfpx.de>> wrote:
>> Moin
>> I also think that as a political party in a democratic system (as
>> opposed to, say, Kazakhstan, Belarus, or how Tunisia was before the
>> revolution) it is important to stay within the laws. We are trying to
>> change the laws, not break them. I understand that in the US it is
>> infinitely more difficult for the PP to make an impact than in any
>> European country, but I don't think moving everything to Iceland is a
>> good idea for a political party. If you ploan to do something illegal,
>> you probably should not be a political group seeking votes (unless, of
>> course, you live in a non-democratic system).
>> -J
>> On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 5:03 PM, Andrew Norton <ktetch at gmail.com
>> <mailto:ktetch at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> >
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- -- 
Andrew Norton
Tel: +1(352)6-KTETCH [+1-352-658-3824]
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