[pp.int.general] Servergate followings : 3 suspected Anonymous arrested in France

Maxime Rouquet maxime.rouquet at partipirate.org
Fri Jan 27 02:36:32 CET 2012

Dear pirates,

Most of you may remember the "servergate" scandal of last year, when
German authorities had took the PP-DE server on the eve of an election
to conduct an investigation on an Anonymous attack.

Tuesday, French authorities have arrested and put in custody 3 citizens
accused of being part of this attack planed using <piratenpad.de>.

PP-FR took this opportunity to issue a press release on the following
points :

* As with the closure of Megaupload, the arrests of alleged members of
Anonymous show once again that the current legislation does not need to
be strengthen for breaches online.

* It is not right to treat like criminals citizens who express their
views peacefully, whether on the street or on the Net.

* We must stop passing emergency measures always more disproportionate,
and instead update the legal framework for a recognition of the right to
manifest online.

* (We then can jump to ACTA, and use this opportunity to remind that the
chief rapporteur of European Parliament has just resigned to "send a
strong signal and alert the public about this unacceptable situation",
and that he would not participate in "this masquerade".)

* (We also precise we do not encourage the use of force, and consider
joining constructive movements like Pirate Party is better, instead of
risking to give arguments to radicalise a repressive policy.)

The press release ends up on a proposal of free of charges PP-FR
honorary membership for this resigning ACTA rapporteur ;).

(Raw text) French version of PP-FR press release :

(Basic) English translation here :

Feel free to use part or all of it as needed.

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