[pp.int.general] Are there "good" and "wrong" Rigths?

Andrew Norton ktetch at gmail.com
Thu Mar 29 21:03:30 CEST 2012

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On 3/29/2012 8:01 AM, Kenneth Peiruza wrote:
> Well, just going back to reality:
> 1) every pirate party accepts Uppsala's declaration as our starting
> point of ideology

Not to be a stickler, but the Uppsala Declaration
(http://int.piratenpartei.de/Uppsala_Declaration) doesn't even follow
it's own rules.

For those that don't know, this was a declaration made at the Uppsala
meeting (27 - 29. June 2008) and then announced to the press June 30th
as being signed by all pirate parties. Yet those not at the meeting
hadn't even heard of it, let alone participated or approved it. I had
been participating remotely in the event (as best I could at the time)
as USPP head, and the first I heard of it was when some media org (I
forget who, might have been wired or ArsTechnica) phoned me to ask me
why we thought this declairation was so important. I had to tell them
'i've not heard about this, let alone seen it, I'll have to get back to

It's funny since the civil rights section goes on about a transparent
state, and yet this was created in a very NON-transparent manner.

Also, your claim that everyone accepted it wasn't true, as the mailing
list at the time proves. like Carlos Ayala asking the day after it was
announced to the press what condition it's in, who wrote it and who
signed it, because despite being Pirata's chairman at the time, he
didn't know
I sure didn't know either.

I kinda thought that's why we'd thrown it in a box marked 'do not talk
about again', because it had been handled so badly, that it didn't meet
the basic values we would expect of others, let alone ourselves.


- -- 
Andrew Norton
Tel: +1(352)6-KTETCH [+1-352-658-3824]
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