[pp.int.general] Tyrant banks, walk the plank!

Richard Stallman rms at gnu.org
Fri May 18 04:43:27 CEST 2012

    Capitalism does  not even exist  ;) , at  least not as  some fixed
    entity. It  is merely  the optimization of  whatever circumstances
    come along (if  they can shape the better ones,  they will) to get
    the best possible results for a certain survival logic... only the
    logic does not  change, all the rest is optional.  That is why the
    left can  not beat  capitalism... they  fight situations,  not the

With this very broad definition if "capitalism", it is a universal but
not directly relevant to this issue.

The specific problem of austerity in the euro zone results from
specific treaty arrangements about banks.  The US practices
"capitalism" too, but does not have this problem.

There is a broader problem with the tendency of states to bail out
failing banks.  There are various ways to address this, but they do
not require eliminating "capitalism".

If we require corporations to consider the wellbeing of other
stakeholders, not just investors, it will still be "capitalism".  It
will be somewhat different capitalism, perhaps better.

Dr Richard Stallman
President, Free Software Foundation
51 Franklin St
Boston MA 02110
www.fsf.org  www.gnu.org
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