[pp.int.general] what are the minimum true core Pirates principles? -Attempt to get a workable consensus-

David Arcos david.arcos at gmail.com
Mon Sep 24 21:30:31 CEST 2012

TL;DR: YMMV from country to country.

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 8:42 PM, Thomas Bruderer <apophis at apophis.ch> wrote:

> But if you would ask: would you support a Liquid Democracy schema for the
> governement, the answer would be as clearly: No, not all, this won't help
> us to find the best solutions for our country.

Let's agree with you: DD/LD won't be the best for "your" contry.

However, your country is Switzerland. You already have plenty of citizen
participation tools!

The situation in my country (Spain) is very different. We don't have
Transparency, nor Participation: the transparency law is a fake, we have no
"open-government" or accountability on public spending, we don't do
referendums (they changed the Constitution without asking the citizens
first). Well, in fact, *calling for a referendum is ilegal*, and will get
you to prison.

Given our situation, I can assure you that our priorities are Transparency
and Participation. Without both, our political system is too corrupt, too

I can understand that a Swiss pirate doesn't have the urgency of
improvement his Citizen Participation tools, and that for a Swedish pirate
it's not a priority to improve their Transparency laws. But please
understand this is not universal, and that most of the contries have big
gaps in both issues.

Let's go further, and pick some more lower-level issues: patented
medicines, or patented food. As a Spanish, I never had (day-to-day)
problems with those issues. However, I can see that it's a threat for
millions of people in the world, and for them it's a "pirate core issue"
much more important than repelling a three-strike law.

Best regards,
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