[pp.int.general] The true core Pirates principles - remarkable

Jens Seipenbusch jens.seipenbusch at gmx.de
Fri Sep 28 12:13:19 CEST 2012


Am 27.09.2012 12:20, schrieb Antonio Garcia:
> Being a Pirate is about hacking around the petrified beliefs and processes that have intertwined so badly along our past evolution that most of the people are unable to understand the world we live in, and trying to put it back on an healthy track towards (happy) coexistence for all...
> ... therefore, you must try to understand what happened in the past and for what reasons, what happens today, and have some kind of idea, at the right scale, of how you could bend all that in a way that might help you steer the evolution of society at large towards a view of what should be... much more compatible with your core values, BUT also as compatible as possible with what the global people at large might want to accept as a liveable society.

Anyone really understanding the second part here can become a good
pirate. All the others will end with established parties or disappointed
by politics in the long run.
The funny/sad thing is, that analyzing the reasons of what happened in
the past and watching the situation today shouts at us, that we pirates
are currently leaving the path of potential success.


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