[pp.int.general] Unlocking the State

Laboratorio Eudemonia eulab at hyperlinker.com
Wed Aug 21 09:23:12 CEST 2013

  Unlocking the State

Throughout the world it is customary
to use the word STATE in place
of the most accurate subject: STATE MEN.

But, if we want to understand
where anomaly and responsibility fall,
we should avoid the use of vague word STATE.

Certainly not the STATE gives us pain in the ass
nor violates good living, the rights and the rules.

But those who have taken, monopolized,
locked, imprisoned our STATES.

	All around the world, we usually listen and read:

"State control, State surveillance" instead of "control, surveillance of the State men";
"State corruption" instead of "corruption of the State men";
"State mafia" instead of "mafia of the State men";
"State mysteries, State secrets" instead of "mysteries, secrets of the State men";
"State wasting" instead of "wasting of the State men";
"State terrorism" instead of "terrorism of the State men";
"State massacre" instead of "massacre made by the State men";
"State violence" instead of "violence of the State men";
"State machism" instead of "machism of the State men".

The State indeed is a sacred entity:
it unites us, it gives us strength.

The State gathers weak humans destined to succumb
and transforms them in powerful beings.

The State men, public careerists,
hired for life, are the exact contrary.

They deprive us of power, information,
income, naturalness and freedom.

	They compell us to live
	as submissive objects
	rather than partaker subjects.

The State is as a box for the fruit.
The State men are fruit who never changes.

And for this reason they putrefy.

The NUCLEUS of all the Countries of the world
are putrified because are closed. LOCKED.

	open, fluid, participated at determined time.

Do not attribute the responsibility for everything that goes bad only to politicians, only to governments and few rich people. They do not move, much less do anything without the State men. The same laws are ultimately always written or at least controlled by State men, not by politicians, who have more fun things to do.

Remember: a tyrant is who detains throughout all his life a role that belongs to the community. A democrat is who accept to come back to be a common citizen after a certain time. Those who are hired for life in the public sector (as in the old feudal/imperial/monarchist/fascist tradition) are NOT workers.

	They are TYRANTS. They are the back bone of the backward world.

Thus let us try to see and understand the enormous difference between a STATE and its CAREERISTS.

This is an awareness lack we should fill up by ourselves, without the help of nobody.

	Without all the political parties, associations and social forums,
	all fake progressives, indeed faithful friends of the tyrants
	and protagonists of the backward world.

This is a primary engagement for all of us who love and wish instead a democratic, peer to peer, open society.

	Danilo D'Antonio
	Italy, Europe

it unlocks the State as a jemmy


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