[pp.int.general] Separation of Powers as a minimum PP requirement

mattias.bjarnemalm at piratpartiet.se mattias.bjarnemalm at piratpartiet.se
Wed Aug 21 23:44:36 CEST 2013

As the Swedish Pirate Party is only an observer member of PPI there is 
no problem for us with such a requirement if it is only imposed on full 
members. It would however bar us from ever becoming full members, should 
we so desire in the future.

Best regards,


On 2013-08-21 14:16, carlo von lynX wrote:
> Whenever I talk to German Pirates about the idea of doing a
> political party without an effective separation of powers
> they quite naturally tell me it cannot work. In fact in
> Germany it's the law prescribing that parties need to have
> seperated legislative, executive and judicial powers.
> Somewhere some Pirates instead think that this seperation
> of powers thing is old-fashioned and an expression of the
> "system" as we know it.
> This is a valuable rebellious way to see it, but the visible
> consequence of this is that some verbally powerful people
> dominate the social habitat, while others, who feel unjustily
> treated or merely observe the behaviour of the ones in power,
> quickly steer away from participating and contributing to a
> common project. Thus, an actual political party never is
> formed. I could say, it remains the playground of a handful
> of bullies, but luckily I haven't seen any Pirate Party in
> such bad conditions. I am just theorising that it could end
> up that way.
> I am thus wondering if proper Seperation of Powers should be
> a criterion for full members of the PPI. A decision of this
> kind on international level would probably catalise the
> necessary reforms to make some PP's more functional than
> they currently are. I think there was some decision about
> requiring proper internal democracy in PP's, but does that
> imply a Separation of Powers?
> Just wondering if I am hitting a nail on the head or if I am
> just trolling without knowing myself.
> Greetings.

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