[pp.int.general] What have you done in 2015 to support copyright reform?

hyazinthe at emailn.de hyazinthe at emailn.de
Tue Feb 24 00:15:05 CET 2015

Well, you've suggested, I've done so. Who else will do so by an own, individual mail or better phone call ? Plz do it and say so.

Here's my mail - translation below by google:

Guten Abend,

ich schreibe Sie an, weil ich Ihre Änderungsanträge zur Vorlage von Ihrem Kollegen Herrn Reinmon zum Urheberrecht gelesen habe,
und ich Ihnen meine Sorgen darüber mitteilen möchte. Besagte Änderungsanträge haben bei mir den Eindruck hervor gerufen, dass
sie die starken Reaktionen der Endverbraucher und Nutzer nicht berücksichtigen, die in der EU-Konsulation zum Urheberrecht zum
Ausdruck kamen: http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/consultations/2013/copyright-rules/index_de.htm
Dort haben die Endverbraucher und Nutzer ja vor allem die momentanen Durchsetzungs-Mechanismen als großes Problem gesehen und
eine zunehmende Haftung von Providern stark abgelehnt. Diese Ablehnung sollte aus zweierlei Gründen nicht übergangen werden:
Zum einen, weil sie keine flüchtige Erscheinung ist, die auch wieder weggeht; sie kamen ja schon bei den ACTA-Protesten von 2012 auf,
wo allein in Deutschland über 100.000 Menschen auf die Straßen gingen und gegen praktische Verschärfung des Urheberrechts protestierten.
Zum anderen steht die Legitimation des Urheberrechts auf dem Spiel, wenn man sich zu weit von den Menschen entfernt; wenn
die ganz normalen Menschen bei ihren alltäglichen Gepflogenheiten im Netz Urheberrecht als Repressionsmittel wahrnehmen, werden
sie noch weniger das Urheberrecht achten, als sie es ohnehin schon tun, und dann kommen wir an den Punkt, wo Recht nicht mehr
vermittelbar ist, und wenn Recht nicht mehr vermittelbar ist, dann ist es auch nicht mehr wirksam durchsetzbar, und damit ist
uns Urhebern dann auch nicht mehr geholfen.
Abschließen möchte ich meine Rückmeldung auf Ihre Änderungsanträge mit 2 Gedanken:

Es gibt eine sehr schöne Abhandlung, die beleuchtet, wie sich die Geschichte des Internets im Wechselspiel mit dem Urheberrecht die letzten Jahre
über entwickelt hat: http://www.lawtechjournal.com/articles/2002/05_021229_roemer.php
Dort ist zu entnehmen, dass Technologien immer ausgeklügelter werden, je mehr das Urheberrecht praktisch verschärft wird, und als Reaktion
hierauf das Urheberrecht immer abstrakter gegen jene Technologien vorgeht, und im Zuge dessen die Vergehen immer allgemeiner und fundamentaler
werden. War es anfangs noch die bloße Kopie, die illegal war, weitete sich bei diesem Hin und Her, um die Technologien zu erfassen, der
Vergehensbereich aus auf Beihilfe zur Urheberrechtsverletzung, und heute ist schon erkennbar, wie eine Erweiterung des Vergehensbereiches
auf ganz fundamentale Rechte für eine freiheitlich-demokratische Ordnung wie Privatsphäre (Stimmen für Deep-Packet-Inspektion, Diskussion
um Verschlüsselungsverbot bzw. Hinterlegung) droht. Ich finde es ja wirklich schmeichelnd, wie vehement sich für die Rechte für uns Urheber eingesetzt wird,
aber Grundrechte dürfen nicht gegen das Urheberrecht den Kürzeren ziehen. Außerdem hilft diese Tendenz, die nun schon seht 2 Jahrzehnten anhält,
einfach nicht; was wir Urheber brauchen, ist nicht mehr Urheberrechtsdurchsetzung, sondern mehr Rechte gegenüber Rechteverwertern.
Es wäre beispielsweise hilfreich, wenn Verwertungsrechte nach 25 Jahre wieder zurück an Urheber fallen. Oder mit Blick in die Zukunft
wäre es gut, wenn gänzlich neue Nutzungsarten eines Werkes nicht mehr standardmäßig freigestellt sind, sondern im Schutzbereich des Urhebers
liegen und somit lizenzpflichtig werden. Am meisten wäre uns Urhebern damit geholfen, wenn wir in unseren Rechten gestärkt werden, was Weitergabe
der Nutzungsrechte an Dritte angeht; Total BuyOut-Verträge sind leider nachwievor zugunsten der Rechteverwerter und zu ungunsten der Urheber
Standard, und das darf nicht sein, weil das wie Ausbeutung und Raub ist. Was ebenfalls uns Urhebern wirksam zugute käme wäre, wenn das
Rückrufsrecht von Nutzungsrechten bei Nichtausübung gestärkt werden würde.

Mittlerweile betrachten sehr viele Menschen das Gebilde EU argwöhnisch bis scharf ablehnend. Vor diesem Hintergrund wäre es sehr wichtig für
die Stabilisierung der EU, wenn die EU mit einem Gesetz von sich Reden macht, von dem die Bevölkerung deutlich im Alltag spürbar profitiert
- das Gegenteil dessen wäre verheerend für die EU und Wasser in die Mühlen derer, die die EU aufgelöst sehen wollen, wie beispielsweise die AfD -
auch deswegen ist es wichtig, die in der EU-Konsultation geäußerten Interessen der Endverbraucher und Nutzer umzusetzen, anstatt zu übergehen.

Viele Grüße,
Torben Lechner

Good Evening,

I write to you, because I read your amendments to submit your colleague Mr Reinmon copyright,
and I want to share my concerns about it. Said amendments have the impression called me out that
they do not take into account the strong reactions of consumers and users to the EU Konsulation Copyright
Expression were: http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/consultations/2013/copyright-rules/index_de.htm
There, the consumers and users have seen especially the current enforcement mechanisms as a major problem and
an increasing liability of providers strongly rejected. This rejection should not be overlooked for two reasons:
First, because it is not a fleeting appearance, which will go away again; they were already on at the ACTA protests of 2012,
where in Germany alone, over 100,000 people took to the streets to protest against practical tightening of copyright.
Secondly, the legitimacy of copyright is at stake if you go too far away from the people; if
the ordinary people perceive copyright as a means of repression in their daily practices in the network are
they even less respect the copyright, than they are doing it anyway, and then we come to the point where right no longer
is to place, and if it is no longer legal to place, then it is also no longer effectively enforceable, and is therefore
our authors then also not helped.
I would like to conclude my feedback on your thoughts with 2 amendments:

There is a very beautiful treatise examines how the history of the Internet in the interplay with copyright in recent years
has developed http://www.lawtechjournal.com/articles/2002/05_021229_roemer.php
There is clear that technologies are becoming more sophisticated, the more the copyright is practically tightened and response
This may allow the copyright increasingly abstract action against those technologies, and in the course of which the offense more general and fundamental
be. It was initially a mere copy was illegal expanded in this back and forth to capture the technologies,
Offenses range from on aid for copyright infringement, and today is already seen as an extension of the range of offenses
on all fundamental rights for a liberal-democratic order as privacy (Voices for deep packet inspection, discussion
threatens to ban encryption or deposit). I think it's really flattering, how vehemently for us author for the rights,
but fundamental rights must not go against copyright lose out. Moreover, this tendency, which is now already see 2 decades holding helps
just do not; what do we need copyright is no longer copyright enforcement, but further rights against exploiters rights.
It would be useful, for example, when exploitation rights after 25 year again revert to copyright. Or with a view to the future
it would be good if entirely new forms of exploitation of a work are no longer exempted by default, but the scope of the author
thus be managed and lie. Most authors would have helped us so that when we are strengthened in our rights, which disclosure
the rights of third parties regard; Total buyout contracts are unfortunately still propagated in favor of the rightholder and to the detriment of authors
Standard, and must not be, because that's how exploitation and robbery. What we also effective originators would benefit would be if the
Right of revocation of rights of use would be strengthened if not exercised.

Meanwhile, many people consider the structure EU suspicious to sharp negative. Against this background, it would be very important for
the stabilization of the EU if the EU on its own makes a law speeches, benefited significantly from the population significantly in everyday life
- The opposite of this would be devastating for the EU and water in the mill of those who want to see resolved the EU, such as the AfD -
and therefore it is important to implement the interests expressed in the EU consultation of consumers and users, rather than pass.

Many Greetings,
Torben Lechner

--- Ursprüngliche Nachricht ---
Von: Amelia Andersdotter <teirdes at gmail.com>
Datum: 23.02.2015 19:58:42
An: pp.international.general at lists.pirateweb.net
Betreff: Re: [pp.int.general] What have you done in 2015 to support  copyright reform?

> Hello,
> If you are German and reading this, check out these amendments to the
> IPR enforcement opinion in CULT:
> www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//NONSGML+COMPARL+PE-544.345+01+DOC+PDF+V0//EN&language=EN
> A carefully placed e-mail to Sabine Verheyen, expressing concern with
> her amendments and reminnding her that end-users and consumers in the
> Commission consultation expressed grave concerns with the present
> enforcement mechanisms and strongly rejected more intermediary liability
> could be useful at this time.
> The consultation is here:
> ec.europa.eu/internal_market/consultations/2013/copyright-rules/index_en.htm
> MEP Verheyen has firstname.lastname at europarl.europa.eu as her e-mail
> address.
> best regards,
> Amelia
> On 02/23/15 15:54, hyazinthe at emailn.de wrote:
> > Hi all actors reading this,
> >
> > what have you done in 2015 to support copyright reform in pirate interest?
> >
> > You know that our aim of a copyright reform making copyright socially
> balanced
> > and up-to-date is the big bang of the pirate movement; it's the reason
> why we
> > are all here and the reason of all pirate structure. It's extremely
> important, that
> > we escort the copyright report of our pirate Julia Reda MEP as good
> as possible
> > through the parlamentary process.
> >
> > So, what have you done ?
> >
> > Have you already look up your country?s MEPs among the
> > report?s shadow rapporteurs - https://juliareda.eu/eu-copyright-evaluation/#shadows
> -
> > in the Legal Affairs committee - http://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/en/juri/members.html
> -
> > (which is driving the report)
> > and in the Internal Market - http://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/en/imco/members.html
> -
> > and Culture committees - http://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/en/cult/members.html
> - (which are providing opinions)
> > and picked up a phone (! far more effective than e-mail) and asked them
> to support the copyright report of Julia Reda ?
> >
> > Or, if you have little time and know how in copyright, have you already
> told the aforementioned MEPs, that
> > you've heard about the copyright report by the news and were surprised
> that with this copyright report finally
> > the EU seems to do politics in interest of the public, instead of against
> the public ?
> >
> > Have you already told them which additional reform proposals you?d like
> to see in it?
> >
> > Have you already called shadow rapporteur EFDD Laura Ferrara MEP (Italy)
> - https://juliareda.eu/2014/12/eu-copyright-evaluation/#shadows -
> > who is the one shadow rapporteur of all shadow rapporteurs, who is most
> likely interested in picking up concrete pirate demands,
> > via phone (!) and suggest her to make an amendment to the copyright
> report of Julia Reda, which
> > legalizes non-commercial copying and online distribution of copyright
> protected works and
> > reasoned with striking arguments like for instance that without this
> step copyright never will
> > be accepted by the public or that the majority of copyright studies
> prompt this step, as the majority of
> > copyright studies has shown, that non-commercial filesharing is not
> harmful to business, but even
> > conductive to business - https://wiki.laquadrature.net/Studies_on_file_sharing
> ?
> >
> > Have you already - which would be especially effective - contact your
> local digital rights organization, library association, remix artist or other
> > party, which is interested in relaxing copyright, and ask them about
> their plan to support this fight for a copyright reform, which makes
> > copyright socially balanced and up-to-date, and offer to help ?
> >
> > Have you already written a critic/statement about the copyright report,
> in which you concretely
> > say that the report goes not far enough in making copyright more relaxed,
> and needs to
> > contain abolishment of copyright levies, copyright term shortening on
> 25 years after a copyright
> > protected work got published, legalization of non-commercial filesharing,
> a revision of international
> > treaties like the TRIPS agreement, in order to make copyright more relaxed,
> and went with
> > this statement to an appropriate NGO and offered them this statement
> for taking it and sending
> > it as the NGO's statement to the aforementioned MEPs ?
> >
> > Have you already started discussion threads in external forums about
> the copyright reform
> > process and asked the audience, to participate like sketched in the
> aforementioned questions ?
> >
> >
> > Finally I'd like to empathize, that this thread here is NOT meant to
> be
> > for moaning about the copyright report of our pirate Julia Reda MEP,
> but for looking forward and getting
> > active and making the best of the current situationn. So, if someone
> starts going off-topic and moan,
> > that the copyright report is not radical enough and too much of a compromise,
> then please ignore it;
> > let's keep everything constructive and practically useful.
> >
> >
> > Greetings,
> > Torben Lechner
> >
> >
> > ____________________________________________________
> > Pirate Parties International - General Talk
> > pp.international.general at lists.pirateweb.net
> > http://lists.pirateweb.net/mailman/listinfo/pp.international.general
> ____________________________________________________
> Pirate Parties International - General Talk
> pp.international.general at lists.pirateweb.net
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